Apart from FR Legends, what other hobbies do you all have?

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Mod Creator
Livery Creator
Nov 20, 2024
The Yamanote Line
Self explanatory title, I feel like since there's only so little of us that actually post we might as well get to know each other, aye?
Apart from cars, I'm starting to get into trains too. But my most major new hobby recently is reading and collecting books. Is it becoming a financial issue? (yes)

here's my current collection of books lol. very small, but very expensive.​
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I have the most unrelated random hobbies to FRL. Mountain Biking, Speedcubing, making random arts and crafts stuff when I feel like it, also really started liking dirt bikes recently.
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My other hobbies is playing florbal at team, working at storage and tune my car with cheap components because i safe money for more powerfull car
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