Reminder about basic FRLHUB posting etiquette

  • Thread starter Thread starter Toyotakuu
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Mod Creator
Livery Creator
Nov 20, 2024
The Yamanote Line
Since there are no rules, I just wanna have some pointers here about what gets deleted so you can avoid having your posts deleted.

  1. Do not post anything that isn't in english. Generally speaking, broken english and translated english is fine. Just don't post anything in a foreign language.
  2. Do not advertise out of topic, nor should you create a thread made to advertise a group. While mentioning of and providing links to groups is fine in the event that it is related to the thread/topic, please refrain from creating threads with the intent to merely advertise a group, account, service, etc.
  3. Lastly, Follow normal forum etiquette, read pinned posts in boards, understand how to post in forums correctly using BBcode. For those not in the know, BBcode is essentially a stripped dow version of HTML designed specifically for formatting bulletin board posts. FRLHUB uses BBcode for stuff like images, links, and making livery codes easier to copy.
With this knowledge, I hope you guys can continue using FRLHUB as it was intended to, and understand that you can always consult a moderator either on FRLHUB or in the FRLMods discord server about a deleted post to know why it was deleted in the first place.

Happy posting!
- Toyotakuu